Amanda dearest if you choose to read this urban dictionary the word faded because thats what i am right now.
If there's one thing i love, it's my boys. As a female, i have no problem defending them, however as i sit and ponder into retrospect i can't help but notice that all guys are jerks. Whether it be consciously or unconsciously it is a part of their homeostasis to be imbecile. So i sat and i contemplated why this is, and in doing so i have come up with two theories.
Theory of first attraction
We all know, whether you want to admit it or not, that you never get over you first true love. acoording to Oedipus Complex, a boys first love is their mother. However they suffer from penis anxiety. Penis anxiety is when the boy fears that the father will perform a castration, so he befriends the father in hopes that if the father does find this out he won't be likely to perform this deed Is it because of this why we can say they are the way they are towards females, because their first true love was already taken and now there just bitter?
Theory of mortality
Perhaps the reason why boys are pretentious, repulsive, egotistical, self-centered, shallow, inconsiderate, perturbing beings is because their the devils creation. Yes, maybe the devil made them
In conclusion; i understand lesbians. When i come back to my natural state of mind i'll come back and reveiw this. Mind you i am in a state beyond verbal comprehension.
Shem Lee is OUT
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