Ah the reasons why I love Vanessa:
- Shes down for anything.. Ill say lets go to a lesbian strip club n get lap dances, n she'll be down
- We share the same feelings about the same people. Hate the same, love the same
- We are both Strange, but Great... what can I say
Went to Kelsey's and we had Coronas, Lobster and Crab linguine, warm brownie and cold ice cream, and sat on the patio n just chilled and talked about life, like we always do. I love good company!
I'm debuting the natural hair

Apparently there was some guy choking a taximan and the taximan was driving all over the road... and I was sleeping (or trying to) but woke up to shouting and then the bus stopped by the taxi man and the guy was still in there choking him and the bus scared him away.
So I had to stay and take a statement and blah blah blah... alot of waiting.
I felt bad for the taximan though. He was an old black man that is just trying to support his wife and kids (that I am gonna assume he has)
This is the Ambulance, and the taxi.. I don't know if you can see that well thoughthis guy is the hero: he ran to the Taximan and was the one that scared the attacker away
taximan in the grey shirt, and the EMS and Firefighters are putting a oxygen mask on him

Sorry the Pics are bad.. I was creepin soo hard just to take them.
It took me 2 hours to get home
It took me 2 hours to get home
Tip for the ladies:
When Walking home alone in the wee hours of the morning or evening walk on the road.
I don't know about you but where I live there are a lot of trees and bushes and shit on the sidewalk. And anyone could be hiding in there just waiting for you to pass by so they could pounce on you
so Choose the Road,
Its lit, and easy to walk on, and if anyone if trying to pounce on you it gives you more time to see them and to react and RUN!
And a girl running in the middle of the street in the pitch of night is never something good... so hopefully a car will stop and save you!
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