Sunday, June 21, 2009


I have a confession.. I am very sensitive, I cry easily. But just as easily that i cry, I smile, and I laugh. My emotions run on the extremes. and really I rather it that way. It means that Im experiencing life very powerfully. When im happy I am very happy, sad... very sad. And that why I always smile, because I am genuinly happy. and even sometimes when im happy I cry. Sometimes things just touch my soul and its just my way of expressing. I wish i could hold back tears sometimes but fuck it. I may look like a puss but its just happy tears getting mixed with sad ones.

I bring this up because it is FATHERS DAY! and I LOVE MY DAD because he spoiled all his kids and gives them everything we want and teaches us life lessons. Those lessons that mean nothing now but 5 years down the line, its the only thing that makes sense. And because he doesnt care... hes just gonna do what he wants. Go out, drink, smoke. He caught me and sister once, but he didnt say anything. Because I knew he was kinda dissapointed, but on the other side, happy we were doing it together!

Anyways my brother and father had a deep heart to heart and it touched my soul, made me happy, and so come the tears. I dont spend alot of time with my dad even though I live with the guy.

Anyways this ones for you DAD!

thats right he had an afro

maybe the song was too much... i didnt really mean for it to be that sappy... Meh

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