Monday, August 31, 2009
Im Packing
The day has finally come and everything is ready. Ive been busy packing and getting everything organized.
Prolly wont be getting any posts soon after this one. Dont have internet in the house yet. But when I do I'll let you guys know whats up
Ottawa Bound!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
It was never a lie
See how hes sitting before the spliff, hands in between his legs and closing off his body (uncomfortable)
Then as he smokes he gets more comfortable and is using gestures. thats opening himself up... just thought you guys should know
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I Just want to be a Skater Girl
Sister was like "Don't you have other more important things to worry about then getting a skateboard, like your house, furniture and school"
I said "Yeah but that's a bridge I know I'm going to cross, I know I am going to get through it no matter what. I just want to know whats on the other side. And on the other side is a Skateboard!"
Right now I'm just trying to learn more about skateboards and what to start with, because I don't want to pay pro skateboard money when I don't plan on doing tricks and such. I just wanna kick, push and coast. Also because I don't want to mess up the bottom of my board
But safety first kids, that's why I'm getting my helmet, elbow pads (I already have knee pads) and then the skateboard and then all is well.
This is how I think Im gonna feel. im going to get the skatboard and then be happy, then try and learn how to do it, realize that it is really hard and then want to give up and besad, and then I'll remember how much I wanted the skatboard,the try harder and actually get it down. And then I'll be happy again.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Everybody Meet Olivia
I see sister was channeling Nicki Minaj in this pic
Ps. Like the pics? me too. Thanks to Olivia and her IPhone. Now I love my berry, but in terms of picture taking, IPhone wins. And Conrad being returned anyways, his speakerphone doesn't work and that just can't gwann.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
what goin on in life?

Since this is basically my last week here in Toronto, I am trying to have last chill session with all of my friends.
So two days ago, I went to the Science Centre with Randal, (yeah that same guy that I spent caribanna with) and I was deceived by this centre a few times.
First - they don't have that human body exhibit anymore. No more skeletons and muscles and all that stuff, yet they still have those pictures up!
Second - The snakes a lizards were cool, only I thought I was gonna be able to hold on, i guess not
Third - All the snakes and Lizards were sleeping, except this one green snake. But I didn't pay my money to watch you sleep. I want all the snakes and lizards to be on attack mode when I come, or at least run on water like you do in the picture beside you, or eat a live rat or something, anything interesting.
Forth - There were no butterflies in the butterfly garden
Fifth - If you are over 15, then your too old to be going to the science centre. The whole time I was thinking "I remember is being a lot more fun the last time I came." (which was 15 year's ago... lol) But yea i was just 5 years expired, i still had fun though
Then After that I went to help Vanessa pack and everything because she was leaving for Montreal the next morning. And i got peppermint tea, dunkaroos and a drive home from it.
I hope your doing well, all alone in that apartment of yours
(I know she wont see this because she don't have internet yet, sux)
Yesterday got my hair done, chilled with sister, went on adventures and to Shoeless Joes, had spicy food (which I felt on the other end this morning, wasnt pleasant) and now I'm here, waiting for 3 so I can go shopping with sister
Saturday, August 22, 2009

So recently I have been spending the days at my house on the porch watching Tv or a movie or something, nothing at all really.
Then this morning I blazed and I came to a few theories of life:
1. Today in the shower I was thinking that when the school season starts my dad and probably Brenda too are going to subconsciously not like my brother. Ill tell you why. I think Its very intelligent.
Alright my dad has 4 kids: boy, girl, girl, girl. Starting from the bottom my sister will be living with my mom because it is an easier commute. I will be away in Ottawa and my older sister has always lived with her mom. Now that just leaves broskii at home.
He is basically a grown man, and he will be the only reason why dad and Brenda do not have the house to themselves and are not able to walk around naked if they please (I'm assuming everyone likes doing this because I do).
So because he is the only one living at the house their not gonna like him very much, and I bet hes gonna want to move out as soon as possible too feeling the tension.
But that's just my theory, maybe its true, maybe not only time will tell. but I think it makes sense.
2. People always make the assumption that because I am taking Psychology in school that I believe I have the right to analyze them. I just want to make something clear I do not analyze you because I took a little psychology course. I took a psychology course because I love to analyze you.
I just take the course to see if my theories are right, or justified.
On another note, I need to go shopping soon and get some clothes of my own, Need to talk to Chief, Believe Ill be needing some more furniture for my room, like shelves and a dresser. Tomorrow Im going to the Science Centre with Randal. Should be interesting, but he skimped on me saying he needs to be home by 6.30 (boo)
I believe thats all... Catch you guys later!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Aug 20th Thunderstorm: The Reflection
The Storm
A reflection on the storm of August 20, 2009
by Bryan Espiritu
The sky lowered by floors and floors, nearly touching the lake water and shortening the fall for each sheet of rain that flew sideways and downward towards the surface of the water and the street. The sound of windows quickly sliding, slamming and clicking shut made drums in the intermissions of rumbling skies, so dark you couldn’t estimate the time of day, or night. Flat portions of sidewalk squares turned to rivers and even entirely wet with rain, pedestrians jumped to dodge the flushing waters that hurdled over everything in the streets. Windows shut became our shields. The screens became our screens; the lightening, our projectors. Slowly, the cinema unfolded and the scenes rapidly replayed across the glass. The clouds so heavy with anger their colour darkened beyond the exhausts of their foes. Exhausted with fear, we clutched to our phones, relying on our sense of attachment to one another to feel safe. The black turned orange. The orange turned yellow. And we waited for it to turn white. To turn light. So we could stop thinking about God and the frights that filled us like Arks of times once past. In 2 days the projected forecast would be clear and sunny. No chance of rain. And we would forget how we clutched to our imaginary friends in vain like our interwound web was no more than a trap. The thunder applauded our bravery. Clap. And each thought we had to reflect on our unsavory actions would wash away as quickly as the passing storm.
It was entirely natural, but certainly not the norm. So far from it in fact that the elderly dawned faces that they had never expressed in decades past – faces of disbelief, dread, and lastly, calm.
The glow of the aftermath did not equate that we had come to a solution, nor found a heaven. Yet we basked in the yellowish glare as if to work on our tans. To better our looks, but not our views. We were thankful that we had not shipped, sunk, like animals paddling through waters in twos. And the orange sky burned through our panes as if to tell us that the tone of our lives was not our choice. Please give us a rainbow. Like with a child’s voice asking for something colourful to deter this dark. The scrapes that had covered with blood, our knees, as Mother Nature stared on in disbelief. Honest relief with no ark, no ark. Fear covered in the shelter of a heart.
We’d need another ‘fore the foolish became the smart.
Welcome To TheLegendsLeague.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Life Update
Dont worry you guys will know soon enough. If you'r luckey you already know!
But on another note, there is a proper way to wake someone up! I usually go for the soft rub on the arm or back or whatever gently say the persons name and tell them to get up.
Trust me, that what my mom used to do, and it had my waking up nice!
Slapping someone on the back is never good, and only makes them resent you tell their able to sleep again.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Track of the day
Jeremih - Raindrops
Upcoming Albums
Drake and Cudi both made it onto the album, I didn't even know this till just now and I'm very excited!
You guys remember when I gave you a snippet of Heart of a Lion? Mr. Solo Dolo? Make her Say?
I'm telling you I'm on top of my shit
But Look out for those tracks, I know I will!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
This guy is crazy man i love this dude nuff respect
Im a liar and as a lier this is the worst lie i have ever seen
yes people i realize im late WHATEVER ok
this weekend was pretty live, I must say
Went to sauga for the weekend, cuz I wanted to pick up my BH shirt that just came out, get my Sweater that I left there my birthday weekend and chill with chambers.
So I went the Friday after work, didn't do anything that night
Saturday we went swimming in the afternoon, went to the courts after, then went to a little jam session with alcohol and a trampoline.
Sunday was pretty chill too, didnt do much then I went home at 10.30pm so I could make it to work on monday, only for my boss to basically fire me 2 hours into my shift.
So now im just chillin in my backyard, youtubbing and watching TV,
ps. o lol last night I had a dream and Cudi was in it, and I was crying cuz I was his biggest fan and shit...But damn, I love him, but not that hard.
pps. I guess I forgot the mention this before but we officially reached 1000 hits! Thanks guys for reading! Really Appreciated!
Track of the Day
Monday, August 17, 2009
One Night Off
talk to you guys later!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I got bored
Check the Story of a Teenager that stabbed her Step-Grandfather for milk
Humanthesizer, a joint creation between electronic musician Calvin Harris, Sony Music UK, and Bare conductive body ink, which turned 15 bikini-clad ladies into a giant human synthesizer capable of playing Harris's latest single, Ready For The Weekend. The performers stand on the pads, and touch each other on the hands or body to complete a circuit and trigger a sound. Harris, his hands painted with the ink, played the main keyboard line and effects by interacting with a row of eight girls. The rhythmic portions of the track were played by seven dancers performing a carefully choreographed routine. Watch the video above.
dont mind the creepy man at the beginning of this vid
Someone reminded me that I havent put videos up in a long time, and since im very happy that Whitneys coming back I figured why not... Hope you enjoy!
(dont mind the creepy man at the beginning of the first vid, I don't know what that's about)
....And so it continues
So not only did I get my brothers to go to his house to pick up my shit, I also changed all his passwords. He fucked up so he lost access! No FB, no hotmail, no MSN.
Mama didn't raise no fool. I also changed mine!
And on the retrieval of my PSP changed back his passwords and everything was fine...
Yesterday I get a call from the mutual friend asking for the passwords back. This dude didn't even check if he could log on because as soon as I got my PSP he got his passwords back, like nothing even happened to them.
Anyways everything's nice till this morning, when I try to sign onto my FB and hotmail.
Now I don't know how he did it, but my passwords got changed too, and I never told anyone the new ones
circumstances like this was already planned for... I gained access with an unknown password, lol
The point is that I just win and there's nothing you can do about it.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
From Work to Home
Now I don't know about you.. but I HATE boxes. boxes mean lifting and carrying and weight on my skinny arms and sweat and all that bull shit! I swear to you I don't get paid enough!
Anyways I saw some shots and took them

ugh... bus life
(Ooh and if you look closely at these pictures you can see me in the reflection just sitting down.. feel free to click the pic for expansion) Trippy!

Before Eglinton and Barbados

Maybe one day I'll bless you guys with a picture
I don't know about you but I think these pictures are really good... and these are coming from a Berry. Imagine if I had an actual camera!
You can see the better pictures at my new Flicker Account here
That Fucker!
nigga you cant be taking my PSP! NAH!!
This called for Operation:PSP.
I have already given the brothers a call. scare him a little bit.
Changed all his passwords, lets see him try n get on facebook and msn... and in 2 hours ill be showing up at his house with 2 of my brothers behind each shoulder! (Oh yeah and their deezed! Like DEEEEZED!!!!)
And I want my silver limited edition PSP, the games, and travel case, and the charger!
Guys, I don't play!
And I know hes like: Amanda only has 3 more weeks till shes gone to Ottawa and that PSP is mine....!!
FUCK THAT! Im not gonna let that fkkn short ass aisan looking spanish guy that has no friends and cant do shit for himself walk away with MY PSP!
I got him his job at LCBO, got him into school, in a program he liked, my mom is his emergency contact!
That can't gwan!
I'm getting my shit back... that or the cost of the console, the games and the case, I think 6-7 bills is a nice round number.
There is no wrath like a woman's scorn.
I went to his house where we was sitting outside got Chris and Winston to get my thing back and he gave it in what I gave him to be our memory box. Im glad to have my PSP but he left some personal things in the box like government issued things that he should have taken out... so, if your reading this Im gonna give the box to a mutual friend n you can have that shit back.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Im sorry im boring
Oh and blogging is really hard and time consuming.
First I have to think of what to white about, then how am I gonna right it, then adding the pictures and everything, then the formatting, like what I want bolded and what centered and all that ish... so I just read all my other blogs first before I do it. But I have like 15 other blogs that I read, so sometimes I just dont get around to it.
But here are a few things floating around my head right now:
1. I was chatting with @bcrockz on twitter this one time and then all these random people started coming into our chat room and there was no control. Catch me with the camera in the corner. Bcrocks with the hat n his cousin Matt the headphones guy.

2. I cooked today. Brenda is teaching me how to cook for when I live in my house that we all don't starve. Cornbeef n rice baby! lols I added the tomatoes too for decoration, like they do at Sunrise.

3. I was doing my usual blog hopping and I ran across this picture. Honestly I ran this pic by my sis and we concluded that this chick is super dope! Spacers, gold chain, fitted and a tatt on her middle finger. It doesnt get any better then that. I kinda wish I was that cool too.
5. If you want to see Joe Budden response to him getting punched you can click here, but I mean... what more is there to say. But its here if you want
7. If Mac ever made a tablet/touchpad laptop... the game would be over. And as a fellow PC user i would just have to say R.I.P.

that's all for now folks