Monday, June 29, 2009

Bye Baby

Everybody Laugh!

Funny Right?

That's Baby, my car, and that's what happened today.
So no more car for me, guess you'll be seeing me on the TTC.

Thus introducing the Track of the Day:

Introducing Randal Paul (as he likes to go by), good friend and better videographer.
Get educated!

At least its the 29th and not the 15th so getting a metropass is not so much of a problem but I dont even know how to take the bus and better yet Imagine my moms face when she comes back from the states tomorrow and finds thhe car was totaled

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What A Night!

I never knew how much I missed my Ottawa fam.

Last Night was the birthday party for Jinelle, and for the whole day I said to myself that I wasnt going to go but thank goodness for my spontaneity! Party was so live I had soo much fun! But honeslty my ottawa fam, man... the way you make me feel. Like, i can be myself around you guys and just chill out, let the night play out and embrace all the adventures that life brings to us!

But It was in Markham, that was a bummer. HOWEVER their houses are so big. I dont think ive ever been to a huge house that belonged to someone normal and not rich or famous or anything. Take it in: in the backyard, pool, gazebo, pond, and running around space. In the house: 2 living rooms, one you live in n the other thats too nice for you to go in n ur parent get mad if u sit on the couches, bar, gym, pool table, flat screen TV resting on top of the Huge firplace mantel where there was a really big cushion in the middle instead of a regular table (thats how you know!)

You two sure know how to throw a party!
(I know your probably thinking "why of all the pictures did she choose this one? I look so hit!" or somthing along those lines, But I like it, cuz it captured the moment.)

Shout outs to Tenika for being the first person I saw that I knew, Sheraine for not holding back on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol! O and Chris: for being down and Chris I think you should know that since I walked in I thought you were cute, and Im glad ur such a chill guy. O, ur cool cuz you were brave enough. Kay, you were soo right about why we missed eachother, Aidan, you make the dance floor fun. Kenny, ur special because youre the only guy that I would go up to and dance with. I mean I dance but only to you would I go up to. My friends from area, all I remember is Mariah. And opinionated hater... must say didnt like that you had to sleep but you made me smile today!

The only thing that salted the part were those security guards... always on my dick. And HEY! Mr DJ, dissappointed cuz I didnt get my song.

ps. those dudes that Ambushed my car asking me for my number, I made a can stop texting/calling me now

Friday, June 26, 2009

Track of the Day

Bedouin Soundclash "Walls Fall Down"

I was driving in the car and this song came on and it made me smile. I figured since everything that happened in the world be it yesterday or since year one we shud all be happy.

All I ask of you is just press play, the music will do the rest.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Tribute

Shes drives me wild, that Billie Jean. I saw that Pretty Young Thing, and I'm a smooth criminal, but she had me speechless.

I had to scream cuz I cant let her get away. And she was like "why you wanna trip on me?"
I said can you be the lady in my life and we could be unbreakable.
She said "Beat it" and was Gonetoosoon.

So I went home and saw the man in the mirror and told him to keep the faith. Shes no Librarian girl more like a DirtyDiana, and I wont stop till the girl is mine.

The next day I was on the Carousel when I saw her Speed Demon self and it made me smile. I wanted to give it one more chance and put myself on the line. This time around she'll be my superfly Sister and not a Stranger in Moscow.

I called to her and she said "who is it?"
I was like don't you remember the time?
She laughed and said "You don't Stop till you get enough huh?"
I told her about a jam tonight and asked will you be there?
She said she'll go as just good friends and we could come together, so you are not alone.

We came to burn the disco out, but she was leaning off the wall. I had a find a way to get on the floor and put blood on the dance floor. I asked if I could rock with you and she replied with wanting privacy.

I was getting butterflies because this girl she drives me wild, Like I'm in the middle of a thiller movie. I said "girl the way you make me feel... like you're another part of me. 'Cuz when I'm with you, I cant help it, I want to make HIStory"
"Is it scary?" she asked
"Its dangerous!"
That's when she said its the falling in love and its just human nature. She said"I don't care if you're Black or White but do You wanna me startin' something?"
And I said "Baby be mine"

At the break of dawn she wanted to give in to me and she became my girlfriend.

I know that all those other people they don't care about us but like I said to her "you are my life" and if I had to choose heaven can wait.

She told me that everyone is living their own album, and her earth song has come to an end. So whatever happens from here I just know I will never say: She's out of my life

sadly, thats all we can do now

Michael Jackson - Another part of me
by chilavert
I think that this video really captures the essence that was Michael Jackson. It was the fans, fame, the crotch grabs, dace moves, the music and and lyrics, the arm reaches, the white socks and black shoes, shiney gloves, crazy costumes, jerry curles, the red leather jacket, the moon walk, posing on his toes, the tipped hat, the OWWWEE, and the love from everyone around him. It sucks that all we have now are memories, and that it would only be false hope to wish for more. RIP.

Track of the day

all i ask is to hit play and then u can continue reader. Let this grow on you

the american myth

Dear Americans, you have been lied to. I have seen congress and politicians argue of the severity of the Canadian health care. America claims that Canadians have to wait 6-9 months to get free health care, well in actuality the max they have to wait is 20 min. I was recently watching a documentary about health care in other countries and this is what I have found out. London has a magnificent system. Healthcare is free and not only that but they have doctors you can call and they will come to your house and treat you. A man who came to America from France got diagnosed with a tumor in his head, couldn’t afford it, went back to France, got all his expenses for treatment for free plus got laid off from work for six months with a 100% pay. To have babies in Great Britain. Europe and Canada is absolutely free, well as to America having a baby will run you 25,000. Medication in Cuba is only 5cents while we Americans will spend 20,000 a year on medication. I then quote the man by saying how American steals a lot of things from other country. If we see a tradition we like, we take it, food, we take it, wine, and we take it, so why not take their belief in free healthcare and apply it. It is said that those countries will live 3 more years then the average American. I strongly recommend anyone interested to watch this documentary


I think when it comes to life and living and being happy, there is only one person I look out for and thats myself. This may sound selfish and spoiled and arrogant and what not but the way I look at it is like this. You only live one life (lets just assume because we have no recognition of a past one and no signs of a future one) and that is our own. So I just feel that you should always put yourself first. When it comes to anything really, especially being happy. If there is something that would make you happy, but to do it you hurt another...I mean you know what Im gonna say. There is no reason that someone else shud be put infront of yoiurself. Because if the goal of life is to be happy (lets assume because we spend all our lives working for money to buy what we need and to have more to get what we want and getting what we want makes us happy blah blah blah... this is a whole different post) why would we strip that from ourselves.

I told Bryan that its like were all running a race and everyone wants to win. Why would I purposely slow down to a walk so that you could get infront of me? My dad said our lives are essentially a bunch of memories, each win would be a happy memory and each lose a bad one. And who really wants to look bad on bad memories... that makes no sense

BUT there are exceptions... I would put my kids before myelf. Why? Because I am selfish,and they are little mini me's and because I love to win I want my mini me's to win too. AND when makins someone else happy in turn makes yourself happy.

I just believe that there should never be a time when it was either your happiness or theirs and they come first. I know it can be hard(it can ve VERY hard) But I live the life that I am living and in my life I want to be happy and Im gonna do whatever I have to do to make me feel good.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Trend

at first I was like..what the hell, then I just came to the conclusion that hes just Gay.

but check out 1:23 (that was just really weird) but then fast forward to 2:05!!!!


The point is that I have been sensored, which totally conflicts with me even having a blog.
I created this so that i could speak freely, without people saying no, you cant say that. that is why I do not promote my blog. If you ask I will tell, but I do not just go out and tell you. This is because I do not want to have to sensor myself. Having a mass amount of people means that you will surely not be able to talk about alot of things. Like, family, work, sports, and everything... because people will be reading and it would be disrespected, and hurt and all the bull
But whatever... Im at work and its time to leave.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I have a confession.. I am very sensitive, I cry easily. But just as easily that i cry, I smile, and I laugh. My emotions run on the extremes. and really I rather it that way. It means that Im experiencing life very powerfully. When im happy I am very happy, sad... very sad. And that why I always smile, because I am genuinly happy. and even sometimes when im happy I cry. Sometimes things just touch my soul and its just my way of expressing. I wish i could hold back tears sometimes but fuck it. I may look like a puss but its just happy tears getting mixed with sad ones.

I bring this up because it is FATHERS DAY! and I LOVE MY DAD because he spoiled all his kids and gives them everything we want and teaches us life lessons. Those lessons that mean nothing now but 5 years down the line, its the only thing that makes sense. And because he doesnt care... hes just gonna do what he wants. Go out, drink, smoke. He caught me and sister once, but he didnt say anything. Because I knew he was kinda dissapointed, but on the other side, happy we were doing it together!

Anyways my brother and father had a deep heart to heart and it touched my soul, made me happy, and so come the tears. I dont spend alot of time with my dad even though I live with the guy.

Anyways this ones for you DAD!

thats right he had an afro

maybe the song was too much... i didnt really mean for it to be that sappy... Meh

Saturday, June 20, 2009


this is the Ego I heard first.. the better one

Beyonce is honestly the shit... think about it, who else can basically do the same thing is the last 3 videos they have released and still be ontop without people saying their tired or played out?
Or who can speak publicly about their alter ego... better yet have an album devoted to their alter ego and not be put down or called crazy or anything like that (lets all remember when Mary J introduced BrookLyn to the word)
so conversation over, I win, and Beyonce is the shit. Period!
she even said it
"I talk like this cuz I can back it up"

Vanessa B-Day

SOoo.. yesterday was Vanessas BIG 2.0.!! (UGH were getting old so fast!!) and we went downtown for dinner at Caseys and then Karaoke! The night was fun.. I spent it with friends I havent seen in awhile cuz we all seperated when he went to school, but Im glad it was a happy occasion that brought us all back together again! It really felt nice and warmed my heart! :)

At karaoke, (BTW, College and Shaw, called Hip Hop Karaoke) TT19 were gonna sing some Lauryn Hill song, i think , i wasnt really paying attention to their song choice but I was gonna sing TLC -Waterfalls. That would have been LIVE if we didnt have to leave early. I swear i would have killed it! LOL im Boosting! But right the last song we heard of the night made my day... Check it

Good Times!

Changing it up

i have decided that im getting a little tired on the black background. So readers beware, you may be seeing some changes soon when it comes to the format of this little blog... im just gonna be playing around really

Thursday, June 18, 2009


You know what Ive just been so busy. I literally wake up go to work, 8.5 hours late to work from home. And really theres just no end to it all. thats why there has been no update. not to mention that this job may not even all thats its cracked up to be. It may just flop all over th eplace cuz the management sucks and their making me n Bree just do everything. Basically I have already set up the face book page, set up the ,myspace. I even have people looking for jobs, but the boss is such a fake that he doesnt want to pay anyone. he wants us to put everything together with zero dollars in basically 2 weeks. I dont even know if Im getting payed. The job looks good on a resume and everything and It would be nice to have later on in life but honestly i dont even know.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Must be Love

Must be Love Cassie Ft. Diddy

guys stop lying your together we all know
Diddy stop dancing
Cassie, I wonder if your tired of the cut yet

Funny Story

Yesterday we were running down memory lane and Shemique was talking to me about a memory she had about us. Ill try to illustrate it for you:
Shem: Manda member when we thought Dim, Danelle, Kiki n Kwame were kidnapped and we saw a van that we thought took them
Me: Yeah LOL
Shem: yeah and member I told you to bring a fork, just in case we had to fight them
Me: YEAH! and a SPOON!
Shem: ye and you were like "A Spoon!?"
Me: Yeah,'cuz I said we should bring a knife but you said we didn't want to hurt them!

I guess you had to be there.. sorry

Something to think About

Yesterday I got in a little fight with the paps about there not being enough food in the hosue. He said thats because we dont do any work around house. Then Shemi told me that I dont look at all the things I have, its not that theres no food, its jus that I never want to eat the food thats there or that its in a container and alli need to do is microwave it, but i never want to microwave it! So today i go downstairs for breakfast and find bare pizza, n waffles n patties. n i know brenda does so much and I feel bad cuz i never say thank you or even do anything to show appreciation. just another sign that Im spoiled. Sucks!

Yesterday we went to SpringRolls

Air Yeezy Spec: (Extended Version) from Samtubia Edwards on Vimeo.

Kanye.. as if people don't know about you shoes. The Commercial is pretty sick though, I cant even lie

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Fundraiser

So yesterday I went to the Fundraiser with Bree. It was a mission getting there, mission finding parking, n mission getting in. But once we figured it all out the fundraiser was pretty cool. I was pretty trippy actually cuz i saw alot of people that I've only seen on TV or read blogs about. Like PhotoWill, Tika (The Hills Aftershow), HustleGirl (, T-Rexx (The Remix Project/1 Love TO), The dude from ( RT(Video director) and alot of other people. I was like ooh so their real!

I would have taken pictures but I was really shy! AND I wasnt dressed enough. Everyone was in dresses and dress shirts and such, and I came in Jeans, an undershirt and a cardi. I would have introduced myself, but I feel like to do that I would need something under my belt. Like "Hi, my mane is Amanda. I am _____ of_____." Right now its just "Hi my name is Amanda, I'm the one that creeps your blogs and websites, you don't know me but I definitely know you!"

Part of me wants to be apart of that crowd, but I also feel that there is a society of people my age that are slowley developing things of their own. So that by the time we are 25+ then we would have our own society with our own dresses and dress shirts. Thats the society I want to be in. Thats why I'm trying to develope something now thats my own.

I found some pics

Kyauna Clarke

I came too late for the cupcakes :(

Thanks to Andre Felipe for the pics

funny how the system works son

America! A cliche built on a foundation of lies. Its funny how the very beings that migrated here from Europe are able to call themselves American citizens but yet other nations are not entitled to that same opportunity. Why? is it not immigrants who built this very country? Was it not their hard labor that build such a strong economic forse. I didn't vote, but if i did i surly would have been dissapointed to know that obama is cracking down and trying to deport immigrants. I mean the man sent his own Aunt back to Africa so who wouldnt he send back. The way this world works is so funny. Could you imagine if the Native Americans had actually won that war. I am American, Born and bred. but i will not deny the dirty voulger acts of my country.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Everyone please get out of your house tonight!
This evening is the REMIX PROJECT auction/fundraiser. That's from 6-10pm. Now after 10 thats when the party really starts. It all takes place at CIRCA. Even if you don't have money reach for the party and have a good time.
That's hopefully where I'll be tonight being that my sis just flopped on me. BOO. Just need to see what the girls are saying and I'm there.

WHAT: Auction/Fundraiser, Party
WHEN: Today June 11th 6-10 then 10-???
WHY: raise money and have a good time

for more info go to:

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Buckey!!

This dude is turning 2 today!
Birthday Party this saturday... better believe they`re will be pictures!

cute huh!

The Raven

On another note... a more positive note, Today was a beautiful day.

And I am going to be a Raven. Thats what the costume is called. My friends decided on a costume and I went to see it today. Not all that I expected but I payed full anyways (today was payday). The woman was telling me something about how the price is call inclusive. That it includes partying drinks, water, food.. and things like that. In all my years of playing mass I NEVER head of that one before but whatever. should still be fun! Sisters planning on joining the fun too.. yay!
pics taken with the handy dandy berry

it should like something like this:

Bryan told me I dont spell everything right... Just want everyone to know that I dont proof read my work. I never have.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Im about to put someone on BLAST! If every you find you find yourself in the GTA and looking for a nice paying job where you could choose your own shifts and stumble upon a job called Blackwell Duct Cleaning. DONT DO IT! Now I worked for them for a few weeks and I swear once it was time for me to get payed they got up and left. I went by the place everyday and no one. I called and no answer. Two weeks later still nothing.... FINALLY yesterday I send him a text he says pick it up at the most random location I go and theres my money.

I dont have to mention that he calls people from the yellow pages, people that are on the "DO NOT CALL" list are hung up on and their basically not legit. Right now their located at Brimley and Ellesmere Suite 210... if somehow you find yourself there, WALK AWAY, its nothing but trouble!

My New Job

Its funny how life works sometimes. Don't you think? I made this blog so that all the weird thoughts that I have about the world and people around me I could express. to me its not a blog that I want people to come on everyday and read what I have to say, more like my thoughts are here... if you want to read them their available to you, if not dont. It's simple really! But the funny part is that because of this blog I got a writing job at YUSH magazine! YAY! Apparently I have to update the facebook group, lead discussions and update the blog... alot of writing! But im still excited. It just funny 'cuz I never thought anything really would come out of having a blog... guess I was wrong.

Check out the facebook group at:

the myspace at:

or the Website at:

PS... if anything at YUSH if happening, dont worry all let you know

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Yet still respected!

Evolution vs. religion

From the time man has taken his first breath, till this present day, one question continues to boggle the mind. This mysterious question is what divides people as a whole. Its strong will power has the determination on how we view the world and choose to live our days on earth.
Many view the world from a religious point. God is who they center their entire existence around and through him you can find happiness. If you live a virtuous life you will inherit the kingdom of God and enjoy this happiness for eternity. Everything that occurs on earth is God’s doing and the reason for life itself is because of him.
On the other side of the spectrum you have the people that abandon the belief of God and turn to the theory of evolution. These people tend to high light the scientific explanations for the world we live in. For example, if you’re familiar with the bible, you know the gist about Moses. Moses warned the pharos that if his people weren’t set free then seven plaques would be released. The Nile river would turn into blood, they would be attacked by toads, mosquitoes, then suffer from mumps. Well scientifically speaking, the Nile didn’t turn into blood. Scientifically speaking, poisonous red algae were dropped into the river causing the Nile to turn red; it killed all the fishes so the toads began to go into the cities to find alternative foods. While in the city they were killed by people and thrown on the street to rot. During those times there was a special kind of fly called a locus that would feed on these rotten toads. So when the locus saw these dead toads hoarding in the city, they came in packs to feed off of them as well as feed off of people. As far as the first child dying in every family; Scientist says it was because the food was kept in a storage place that grew a poisonous mold. The first child was given two servings of the food causing them to get a double dose of poison.
These two parties have existed since time and still today that mind boggling question has still not been put to rest. It still manages to survive and waver off into generation after generation causing the world to be divided by those who believe in God, and those who believe in evolution. And as long as breath is blown into a human being the question will always be, what is the concrete answer for the reason of our existence and life itself?

Monday, June 8, 2009


LOL I feel like I barley got enough time to embrace Day n Nite on the radio and ALREADY Heaven at Nite is here!! Im starting to Love my radio!

I actually havent seen it yet... I going to as soon as it is up and running on the blog.

Kid Cudi - Heaven At Nite / NEW
by PeteRock

So after watching that, I hope everyone now understands when I say that Cudi is just a chill guy. And that's why hes great.

Second that girl sitting beside him is clearly wearing a Carleton U shirt. Anyone that enjoyed frosh this year would know what I mean.. I have 3 of those in my closet right now!

Nothin Better to Say

Today all I have to say today is:
  1. Hannah Montana has a Shampoo... But she clearly wears a wig
  2. BET awards Top 12 moment was FUNNY AS HELL
  3. Yesterday I spent the day with the dukes... Havent seen her in a LOONG time and I missed her. She picked me up after going for breakfast with a dude and told me that shes not going out with someone unless they buy her a mean... That's her prerequisite. She did our taxes, we went out to dinner and I spent the night at her place. Good Times!
  4. I LOVE SOLANGE! I love the whole I dont know 80's? vibe that she is going with. Can't say I was a fan of her first single, when she was a teenage and pregnant. But now the Sol-Angel stepped up her game!
If you havent seen it before (just a teaser):

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I dont know why I havent mentioned this earlier, but last week my Bryans grandma died. Now Ive only known her for just under 2 years but she was the shit when it came to being a grandma. Most of the time I was away for school but when I went to Bryan's house I would go to her room and talk to her. She only spoke spanish so usually i just ended up nodding and saying "Si". I must have said yes to the wrong question because she spread a rumor that I was pregnant, and dating her brother and other things to her family.

She was so sarcastic and would call her grand kids names when they were rude and even fight them when they wouldnt let her have something. Imagine an old short spanish grandma with her fists up ready to fight teenagers. She was jokes and I was really close to her.

Right now I know that shes dead, but apart of me just doesnt believe it. I feel like shes just not with me all the time. I mean literally not with me, as in, in another room. When I'm at her house I feel like shes at the hospital or just somewhere else and it just so happened that we havent run into eachother since I've come from school.

I just miss talking to her in her room and falling asleep in the other bed, and sitting with her as shes eating and hugging her tight and she hugging me back right before I was leaving, and then the blessings she would give me as I walked away.

Safe Journeys Abuela

Day n Nite Crookers remix

We all Know the Original day n Nite Video... But Check the Crookers remix!

I can't tell you how much I love this guy. All because he's just real. he doesn't try to be anything hes not or try to impress people, especially now being almost famous n all. N sometimes his lyrics just speak to me. Honestly I could listen to this guy all day and not get tired. Just some chill music that you can rock to.

Sometimes when I hear this on the radio, I get happy cuz hes becoming successful but I also hate it cuz then everyone else gets to know how The Kid Cudi is. I just want to have him all to myself... hes no longer exclusive. BitterSweet.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Michael Kiddies Revealed!

So finally we see their faces... and their white. They don't even look mixed at all. I mean I understand that Michael has a skin disease that has made him so white, but he was black at birth. His blackness is in his genes... but its not shown in those kids. Unless in some magic way the disease affected MJs DNA and converted it...there is no reason why a man who was born with brown skin, a big nose and rocked an afro should create 2 blue eyes blonde hair kids

On another note though... I remember when Mj was hanging Blanket out of a window when he was a baby. It seems like it was just now, but look how big they've gotten. Time goes by soo fast.


Sometimes I think I'm a photographer. Pic i took while running mission for BadHabits

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

About the Author

hmm... Why I created a blog..I guess cuz I have nothing better to do. Just your average soon to be 20 y.o. girl trying to get an education, enjoy life and remember every moment

My blog is my outlet
