Sunday, June 7, 2009


I dont know why I havent mentioned this earlier, but last week my Bryans grandma died. Now Ive only known her for just under 2 years but she was the shit when it came to being a grandma. Most of the time I was away for school but when I went to Bryan's house I would go to her room and talk to her. She only spoke spanish so usually i just ended up nodding and saying "Si". I must have said yes to the wrong question because she spread a rumor that I was pregnant, and dating her brother and other things to her family.

She was so sarcastic and would call her grand kids names when they were rude and even fight them when they wouldnt let her have something. Imagine an old short spanish grandma with her fists up ready to fight teenagers. She was jokes and I was really close to her.

Right now I know that shes dead, but apart of me just doesnt believe it. I feel like shes just not with me all the time. I mean literally not with me, as in, in another room. When I'm at her house I feel like shes at the hospital or just somewhere else and it just so happened that we havent run into eachother since I've come from school.

I just miss talking to her in her room and falling asleep in the other bed, and sitting with her as shes eating and hugging her tight and she hugging me back right before I was leaving, and then the blessings she would give me as I walked away.

Safe Journeys Abuela

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