Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Day Off

I told you guys that my boss was being a dick. So every so often he tells me not to come in or to leave early so he doesn't have to pay me. Yesterday I got the day off and ended up going swimming with the sister and friends... It was a beautiful day too!
I really wanted an outside pool, but we had to settle for the indoor pool at West Hill... this is after

On the drive to Esquires
(really good cheap food at VP n Sheppard)

And today after work I went to taste of the Danforth with Vanessa

My popsicle thing was the flavour of Lulo, a rare fruit located on the edge of Ecuador. Not so much sour or sweet the closest common fruit would have kiwi.

I took this picture like 3 times and all of them came out shitty. I figured it wasnt meant to be, so you`re just gonna have to believe me when I say it says "Taste of the Danforth"

ps. I've been gettin alot of comments of the quality of my pics, if you can see the pixels let me know cuz when I upload them I can't, so I assume you cant either

pps. This is kinda gross but I feel like I should share. Sometimes its hard to take my nose ring out cuz it collects hard boogers on the inside part and I have to pull the boogers through the hole too, and then clean it and put it back in.

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