Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lack of Posts?!

to all those reading... sorry I haven't posted. I just dont have anything to say really
  1. My Boss if finally giving my minimum wage... I know, I know
  2. Apparently I am dating... like actually going on dates with different people
  3. Got my ears pierced (i should really bless you guys with a picture) and now I want one in my cartilage and in my nose... but I'm too cheap
  4. Found the Perfect car, now all i need is the money to pay for it
  5. I am trying to figure out how to put music up, Chambers is helping me bit by bit though (dont worry it will be really soft reading music
That's all for now Folks

Ooh! for some reason I got an email about some fashion show where I wear jeans and a bikini... I think I might go, My boss is slowly trying to fire me.

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